Why Did Bernie Sanders Miss a Vote to Reimpose Sanctions on a Russian Oligarch Lifted by the Trump Administration?
Below is a short Twitter thread explaining why Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders missed a recent Senate vote (that failed) to reimpose sanctions on a Russian oligarch lifted by the Trump administration:
Sanders missed the vote because he was tied up in an all-day meeting and series of workshops with women who worked on his 2016 campaign that were sexually harassed. He did vote in favor of bringing the legislation in question to the floor for an up-or-down vote and every single Senator who voted against that up-or-down vote was a Republican. Unfortunately the timing of the floor votes was not knowable in advance and rescheduling the meeting with women (who were flown in to Washington, D.C.) was not feasible from a logistical point of view.
Here’s another piece addressing why Sanders voted against the Russia sanctions contained in the Magnitsky Act.